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It's Been awhile

June 25 2024

I been Ignoring this site.. Ugh. I plan to add stuff and move stuff around. I have Stories but havent really sat there to put more stuff on this site. I do have alot to work on. But i added this new layout. Not sure if i like it. but its simple. Anyways thanks for stopping by!

I have a couple of cases coming soon 3-8-24

There has been alot going on with cases i am following. We got Audrii who got murdered about down the street from. We have Madeline Soto who also got killed by moms boyfriend. Elijah Vue went missing. Not sure where that case is going. I had time to put up a new layout. Im falling a sleep so i will be adding all these stories tomorrow. Be Safe!

I will be adding more stories soon..10-17-2023

I will be getting on either tomorrow or thursday and will add some more stories. I add them as i watch them and think you all show check them out. Anyways there is tons of stories out there that either can't be unsolved or is solved. Anyways just letting you know that i will be adding more! talk soon!

Sorry i been MIA - 10-13-2023

For a week i been watching all these crimes and i need to add them.I got new affies added so check them out. Just today i been having anixety issues and its like no joke. ugh anyways im gonna add some more links to stories and see what else i'll add talk soon!

Today i added... 10-3-2023

Ok i added a new story about Gypsy Blanchard. I also going to add more <3 be advise that when you are watching these videos that some are old and may show something that you don't want to see.. Going to add one more story!


So i added 2 stories to the stories page.. I will add more in the coming days. I also need to edit some of the pages and make sure i set up the credits page <3 talk soon!
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